Welcome to Run with Recruiters!
**IF YOU REGISTER PREPARE YOURSELF TO BE IN ATTENDANCE - Confirmation emails will still be sent out for the time being**
- We no longer have capacity limitations of 40 people as long as we remain within the capacity limits of Commonwealth
- Please meet at the Southwest doors to the field house
- Do not start lining up until 0545 hrs
- Please arrive ready in workout gear with a waterbottle
- Hand sanitizer provided
- As the REP(restrictions exemption program) is now concluded in Alberta, please ensure you are still monitoring your symptoms and do not attend if you are feeling unwell
- Please ensure you bring your phone(if you have one) and you will be asked to check yourself in - Just go back to your "Home page" and select "Check in" - we will be rolling into a self-check in ONLY - notice will be provided at that time
- IF you are NOT checked in you will NOT get credit for your attendance - and YES we track all applicants who attend
- Check in feature will not be active until approximately 30 mins prior to event
You will receive an automatic email after registering for this event, this email does not guarantee your spot; Recruiters will be sending confirmation emails to participants who have been confirmed
We appreciate your understanding while we work within government health guidelines
See you there!